i would say at the most a week or 2 but i wouldn't trust it
Chat with our AI personalities
well i already have got lots of exp from the hospital
get 10000 relationship exp with her and then she will do it
A few cheat codes are below:imamarysue - maximum statsbottledfairy - +2000HPidontwanttoplaythis game - 1000 EXP with everyoneirobbedsantaclaus - +100 of all itemsipwnchucknorris - all stats, items, 2000HP and $1000skywithdiamonds - +$1000isteppedonhistoe - brings you to the day of the ballbattleofmidway - Brings you to day 15 (unlocks Jack)bunnyiswatchingyou - Max EXP for Oliverilovetherichjerk - Max EXP for Elliothesgotaghettohat - Max EXP for Clarkthisisnotikuto - Max EXP for Lancepiratesarebetterthanninjas - Max EXP for Jackaliceishigh - Secret Suprisehaxernova - 5000HP +$1,000,000 1000 items. 1,000 Exp for all and MAx stats (0.01% chance of cheat working)
Go to day 5 and enter your room and go to the computer, then the folder "cheats " Here are the cheats: nerdsirldontlookthishandsome - Full exp with Landon wegotsnakesonaplane - Full exp with Roland fanboyofaboyband - Full exp with Teddy redheadgingersamedifference - Full exp with Nathan allsimboysarerobotsanyway - Full exp with Oz ddrripoffsftw - Full exp with Cole insovietrussiayouhealbandage - Full exp with Emmett doublerainbowpride - Full exp with Bianca whatisthisidonteven - Full exp with all characters screwtherulesihavemoney - unlock Oz guyaissecretlyace - unlock Cole donttrytrainjumpingathome - unlock Emmett ohgoditsinfmajor - unlock Bianca fastforward - skip to day 30 coolstorybro - 2000 hp, $1000, items itstimeforinflation - $1000 pillshere - 2000 hp Gud Luck! ^_^
There's no easy way. Just get a lot of EXP. A good place to get EXP for Mario and Luigi is in the Airway. A good place for Bowser is in and around Peach's Castle. I hope I helped you!
The smell test is the best test. If it smells spoiled, it probably is. The average number of days the milk is still good after the expiration date is usally 3-4. I noticed that fat free or skim lasts longer than the regular high fat milk
i would say at the most 2 days that is what we do
EXP usually stands for the "Expiration Date", most prominently used when entering credit card information.
how long will frozen pizza ( tombstone) be keep and how do you know the exp date.
A very long time, as long as no air has gotten in. Listen for the pop of the vacuum seal when you open it. As long as the color and smell are normal it's fine.
there is no exp. date jest keep it dry and store it cold.
The exp. date is assuming they are kept frozen & is valid.
The exp. date jan15 means January 15th of the same year you got the product.
The expiration date is how long the medication is guaranteed to be potent for. You should be fine to take it past its exp date, just might not work as well.
in jail.
well i already have got lots of exp from the hospital
get 10000 relationship exp with her and then she will do it