Go to day 5 and enter your room and go to the computer, then the folder "cheats "
Here are the cheats:
nerdsirldontlookthishandsome - Full exp with Landon
wegotsnakesonaplane - Full exp with Roland
fanboyofaboyband - Full exp with Teddy
redheadgingersamedifference - Full exp with Nathan
allsimboysarerobotsanyway - Full exp with Oz
ddrripoffsftw - Full exp with Cole
insovietrussiayouhealbandage - Full exp with Emmett
doublerainbowpride - Full exp with Bianca
whatisthisidonteven - Full exp with all characters
screwtherulesihavemoney - unlock Oz
guyaissecretlyace - unlock Cole
donttrytrainjumpingathome - unlock Emmett
ohgoditsinfmajor - unlock Bianca
fastforward - skip to day 30
coolstorybro - 2000 hp, $1000, items
itstimeforinflation - $1000
pillshere - 2000 hp
Gud Luck! ^_^
Chat with our AI personalities
the tea
go to the telephone booth
lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
in the appartment in the computer
(1)The cheat to get more money in Chrono Days Sim Date is " itstimeforinfaltion " You have to type it in on the computer in your apartment in the future... (2)The 2nd way to get more money is working.....
Bottle on the beach
the tea
go to the telephone booth
At the downtown alley Near the telephone :)
through his stomach
well in the first five days your stuck in the past so if you wait until day five teddy saves you so you can time warp then go to the emerald apartment there will be a computer click on it there will be a cheat icon then type it in.
He's in the Laboratory back in the future.