play until your 138years old dint hear me well turn up yoour hearings gramma@!
138 for members, and 126 for f2p.138 for p2p as the new summoning skill adds one combat level for a certain amount of summoning levels gained.hence the availability to reach level 138 is only for p2p since summoning is a p2p skill.
Player Non-member: Level 126 Member: ( Summoning ): Level 138. Monster Non-Member: Hellhound, level 122. Member: Nex, level 1001.
Level 138, i'd highly reccomend Proctect from Melle prayer, as it is multiway combat, it is also a great spot for chinchompas.
Levels that effect combat level are constitution, attack, strength, defense, prayer, magic, ranged, and summoning.
The Reason Is Because If Everyone Was A High Level That wouldn't be fun would it? Also if every person was level 138 it would be way easier to kill dragons ect. Your Welcome :)
level 138. there is no higher level on runescape (for players)
The first player to reach level 138 was "Nercychlidae" with a summoning level of 96.
Revenant dragons, which are level 138.
Non-Members: Level 126.Members: Level 138.Monster: Level 785, Corporeal Beast.
It's 3-138, 3-126 on F2P
Level 138..... although enemies (not other players) can be over level 700!
The Highest Level is 138. No i have been on runescape and have seen lvl 150s\
Level 126 combat in free to play and level 138 combat for members.
Non-Members: Level 126. Members: Level 138. (99 Summoning)
You can the highest you can get any skill in Runescape is 99. And the highest combat level you can get is 138.
Gertjaars has a combat level of 138 and has 99 in every skill on runescape.:) ya but he's not the coolest
138 in combat and 99 in every other skill with the exception of dungeoneereing with a level capped at level 120.