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The Reason Is Because If Everyone Was A High Level That wouldn't be fun would it? Also if every person was level 138 it would be way easier to kill dragons ect. Your Welcome :)

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Q: Why is it so hard to lvl your combat up on runescape?
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How many prayer lvls gets your cb lvl up in runescape?

With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.

How do you easily level up in runescape?

This Guide is for fighters onlyI found success at working on it for about 2-3 hours a day, in a week you can get to lvl 40.What you do is you train on cows and low leveled monsters, doesnt really matter wich till later. But you level Your defense, strength, and attack together, make sure you take turns gettting them all to lvl 10. Once you do that you work on getting them all to lvl 20, so on.Once you are combat lvl 25, than go to barbarian village, and go down the ladder. Go through to the menetaurs. And train on them, getting all your fighting lvls to lvl 30. Once your combat lvl is at 32, than you can fight the stronger menataurs, you will need some food though.Good way to get gold for the food is clay. Mine clay as much as you can around lvl 35. 100 clay gets you about 10k, 100 wet clay gets you about 20k at the grandexchange, and it sells within 5 minutes.

What level does bellsprout evolve in?

bellsprout evolves at lvl well mine evolved at lvl21 after catching it at lvl 20 so. Lvl 21

Where can a non member in runescape mine coal?

go to wilderness lvl 9-10... there is 31 coal rocks and thts it but there are skeletons that attack by thmselves i think they are around level 20 so if you are lower u might not want to go there

How do you repair Vesta's Spear on RuneScape?

You can't, it lasts for an hour before crumbling to dust. If you used one already, get the most out of it and then alch it when done. If it's not (deg), you can still wear it for show, but if you get hit, it goes to (deg). This only means in combat, so one hour of 100% combat will turn it to dust.

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your range lvl dosent matter its your combat lvl that dose and combat lvl isint effected by range lvls. so you could have 99.

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even if you dont use your membership it still runs out after the month so if i were you i would use it while i could. hope i helped my runescape account is jack patmore combat lvl 76

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Yes and so does attack

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well it depends. for the horror of the deep monster you need high magic and combat levels do defeat the MOTHER. So I would say 30 magic is the minimum. For combat you'd want to be atleast level 90. Always bring food!

Does anyone have a runescape account that is over lvl 70 If so email myself at ...?

I'm not sure what you are doing, but what ever it is it's against the Answers and Runescape rules.

How many prayer lvls gets your cb lvl up in runescape?

With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.

Are there runescape gangs you can join made by players?

yes i am starting one now i don't know if there are others. my requirement is combat lvl 60+ I'm a lvl 73 my runescape name is a939 p.s. if u want to join the base is in deep wildy and we will kill tons of noobs every day we can only try to keep the noob population down so don't fear pvp or deep wildy and i mean deep wildy

Where should you train on runescape when your combat level is 54?

You could train on •level 30 zombies or the lvl 25 flesh crawlers at the stronghold of security •lvl 13 rock crabs They are all great experience for training. ME LVL 54 ME TRAIN ON LVL 44 ZOMBIES SO HAHA the first answer is a bad one just on the the third floor in the sercrity of srting hold fite lvl 52 giant spider and bring food or bring lots of food to the wilderness valcano and fite lvl 82 lesser demons and lvl 122 hellhounds =) im a lvl 54 and i train on lvl 82 lesser demons and lvl 122 hellhounds=p

What monsters are good to train on in Runescape at lvl 55?

A good place to train would be lvl 50 spiders in the stronghold of security they auto attack you so all you have to do is eat.

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The Flu virus is so hard to combat because viruses can not be killed you just have to tough them out.

Dose slayer get your combat up in runescape?

no slayer doesnt because you can get xp for your cb lvl from att str def range mage prayer summoning and hp so your going to be using 1 of those methods for slayer so you dont really need it to get up cb lvls.