For doubles ladder it's 4-8 hours for team ladder it's about a day.. How I know: GB Star 216 rank
when you beat the people in the poke mart basement and (optional) the mohagony gym, go to goldenrod and beat team rocket in the underground and radio tower. the guy should move after you disband team rocket.
You get it when they take over the radio tower in goldenrod city one of team rocket members gives it to you
take the meteorite
No, in order to leave the city you have to get caught and take off your Team Rocket clothes. I hope that helps.
Play lots of games, and remake often. The lower the level your team is the more XP you get from each game, the more XP you get, the faster your rank goes up.
The guildmaster must type "/gdisband" (without the quotes) into their chat edit box. A confirmation dialog will appear, which the guildmaster must click "accept" to disband the guild. ONLY the guildmaster can disband the guild.
ted Dibiase Jr is supposed to turn face when the marine 2 comes out and on raw Cody Rhodes pinned ted to be apart of team raw at bragging rights and ted pinned randy on raw in tag team match so they are set to disband soon
You can't become a Team Galctic member.
You must disband Team Rocket from: Mt Moon, Celadon City, and Saffron City. This will make the eight gym open revealing the leader is the boss of Team Rocket!
2 hours
7 years
There is a few things you have to do to be a Navy Seal and on team 6. You will have to start with joining the Navy.
Yes, but Giovanni is not there this time. The other team rocket leaders plan to bring back team rocket, but they just need Giovanni first. They disband when you defeat all the goons in radio tower and the leaders.
Objectives: Obtain the Poke Flute from Mr Fuji, Disband Team Rocket from Pokemon Tower. To go through Pokemon Tower you will need to first get the Silph Scope from Giovanni at the Team Rocket Hideout in Celadon City. At the near top of the tower you will find a ghost Marowak. You must defeat this Marowak to continue to the last floor. On the last floor take care of Team Rocket and speak to Mr Fuji and he will take you to his house. Talk to him again to get the Poke Flute.
when you beat the people in the poke mart basement and (optional) the mohagony gym, go to goldenrod and beat team rocket in the underground and radio tower. the guy should move after you disband team rocket.