go to the goldenrod tunnel and a guy will let you take a picture wearing one.
OTHERGUY: And you can also wear it walking around in a ceartin kind of part but cant wear it for long...
go to the little building near bills house and there will be a team rocket grunt in there and he will give you a uniform
In Heart Gold and Soul Silver, you go to the underground in Goldenrod City and meet some random guy from Team Rocket who gives you a Team Rocket uniform, believing that you are a new person in Team Rocket. However, once you get it, you can't use your bike or leave the city, and can't use the suit after your mission.
You go and ask the "rocket" over near the flower shop(at) the flower shop and go to the tunel and were the camara man was.
You have to go to goldenrod city and enter the radio tower, there a team rocket grunt wont let you pass the stairs, so go underground and talk to the only person there, is a team rocket grunt, he is going to give a team rocket uniform then you pass the radio tower stairs.
radio tower
you can get it of a team rocket guy in heart gold/soul silver
go to the little building near bills house and there will be a team rocket grunt in there and he will give you a uniform
go to underground goldenrod
When going through the Team Rocket scenario in Soul Silver or Heart Gold in Goldenrod city, you can go into a tunnel and look for the man in a team rocket outfit. He will give you the uniform.
Go to the building where team roket is taking over in Goldenrod.
I have soul silver but I think you talk to a team rocket guard in the radio tower by the escalator
You must go to the North Underground Tunnel in Goldenrod City, and talk to the man in the Team Rocket Uniform near the counter. He will think you are a newcomer, and will give you the shirt.
In Heart Gold and Soul Silver, you go to the underground in Goldenrod City and meet some random guy from Team Rocket who gives you a Team Rocket uniform, believing that you are a new person in Team Rocket. However, once you get it, you can't use your bike or leave the city, and can't use the suit after your mission.
the guy in the underground in goldenrod, near the place where you get your picture taken. XD hope this helps!
You go and ask the "rocket" over near the flower shop(at) the flower shop and go to the tunel and were the camara man was.
go to goldenrod city. team rocket will have taken over the radio tower. you'll need the team rocket uniform to go up the tower.