Depending on what update they are doing. Maybe about ten minutes, or it could even take between 5 minutes and 1 hour. It depends on how big the change will be like if they do something like adding a weapon it would take between 25 min and 30 min.
I few seconds plus or minus, depending on how fast your computer is. (this does not count for the actual time it takes for minecraft to open, just for it to load, this also does not count if there is an update, then it will take as long as it would for it to update.)
It depends on the speed of your internet connection and the speed and memory of your computer.
Anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 seconds depending on your internet speed, but they do not generally take more than 1 minute to update and updated are few and far between.
It takes 6 hours Thank yew add me on woozworld Zombiana-Cougar
the leader of epicduel also known as the creator of epicduel!
It should only take about 3-5 (or less) minutes to update.
Tell me some epicduel codes.
they update every thirty days
It can take an Hour to 3 Hours.
it take long time i think so
with in 24 hours
about 9 weeks to a year for this update (21st February 2011)
Typically, League of Legends does not take very long to download and update. The actual time will depend on your Internet speed.
About as long as a computer, maybe an hour.
1 minute