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It depends on the speed of your internet connection and the speed and memory of your computer.

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Q: How long does it take for runescape to update?
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How long does it take from 77-99 cooking in runescape cooking lobs?

It depends how long you are on Runescape.

Why is there a tutorial island on the runescape map if the quest for it is gone?

well its like something that the runescape people my have forgot to take out but may in the next update take it out. in my opinion i like turtorial island better.

When is the RuneScape update?

Runescape updates usually occur on Mondays, or during the Weekdays.

What is a current event in RuneScape?

The current event in Runescape is a Beta Programme Update. Runescape is now in the process of a major graphical update, because of lag issues that are serious and the changing of technologies and graphics.

Where is ge in RuneScape classic?

It doesn't exist. The Grand Exchange was an update in Runescape 2 (the current Runescape), so there is no G.E. in Runescape Classic.

When will RuneScape's graphical update happen?

The graphical update occurred on the 1st July 2008.

How long does it take for a dsi system to update?

It should only take about 3-5 (or less) minutes to update.

How long does it take for wine to ferment in runescape?

Not that long, it's almost instant.

How long does it take for experian to update a credit score?

they update every thirty days

How do you make a blog on RuneScape community?

Use the RuneScape forums, and post/update you blog in the 'general' section.

How long does it take to get the hacked password on runescape?

Go to:runescpae

How long does it take for your drops to be seen on RuneScape?

about 30sec or 1min