It can take a Piplup Egg a maximum of 5,120 steps to hatch however it could be shorter than that since each Piplup Egg is randomly generated.
It takes 10,496 steps for a Larvitar egg to hatch.
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i don't have Pokemon emerald, but the answer is always the same. not how long. how many steps. walk ALOT and the egg will slowly start to hatch
It Takes 5100 Steps to Hatch Staryu EGG
Every Pokemon is different. For example: Mareep takes about 5,120 steps to hatch while Burmy takes about 3,840 steps to hatch.
Not how long. You need to walk around to hatch it. Walk about 4000 steps, and it should hatch into your brand new beautiful Luplup!! :3 Sorry I like nicknames! :3
it counts what kind of Pokemon it is
it will take 999999999999 steps to hatch a egg
It takes 10,496 steps for a Larvitar egg to hatch.
you have to take 2500 steps or less depending on what Pokemon it is :'( ;P :P
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Depends on the Pokemon inside the egg.
i don't have Pokemon emerald, but the answer is always the same. not how long. how many steps. walk ALOT and the egg will slowly start to hatch
It Takes 5100 Steps to Hatch Staryu EGG
Every Pokemon is different. For example: Mareep takes about 5,120 steps to hatch while Burmy takes about 3,840 steps to hatch.
about 7,000 steps
bout haf a hour