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24 hrs, just like real life days.

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Q: How long are days in Pokemon emerald?
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What is the rumored Pokemon with the long tail in emerald?

the Pokemon with the long tail is raquaza the air lock Pokemon

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How long does it take for a launch on Pokemon emerald?

a week

How long does it take for an egg to hatch on Pokemon Emerald?

i don't have Pokemon emerald, but the answer is always the same. not how long. how many steps. walk ALOT and the egg will slowly start to hatch

How do you migrate Pokémon from Pokémon Emerald to Pokémon HeartGold?

You can't send the Pokemon directly from Pokemon Emerald to Pokemon Heart Gold but you can migrate your Pokemon from Emerald to Pokemon Pearl, Platinum, Diamond and then trade it to your game Pokemon Heart Gold as long as you have a friend with a DS(Dsi)

How do you hack Pokemon emerald gba?

you have to get gameshark, which is really hard to ind these days

How do you trade Pokemon from from Pokemon Channel to Pokemon Emerald?

you bring out this long cord and plug it in to the game boy

What is the normal price for Pokemon Emerald?

when i bought Pokemon emerald i bought it at about $36.00-$39.00 but its been out for a long time so it may b cheaper:)

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

How do you get yanma in emerald?

You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.

How do you get Cinnah Pokemon in emerald?


Where is pal park in Pokemon emerald?

There is no PalPark in Pokemon Emerald.