

Best Answer

You can find Shinx on:

Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 7, Route 8, Route 11, Route 14, Route 15, Route 16, Route 17, Route 18, Route 29, Route 33, Route 37, Route 36, Route 37, Route 38, Route 39, Route 46, Route 48, National Park

Safari Zone (Special Items)

I know that on Route 1 you have a 40% chance. Others are probably similar.

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How do you get shinx on SoulSilver?

there is a route on the pokewalker called sinnoh field go on there and battle wild Pokemon one migh be a shinx this alse works for Pokemon heart gold. or if you got diamond/pearl/platinum if you can find someone else with a ds and ask them if you can burrow it you can trade it over

Where to find a shinx in Pokemon platinum?

you can find a shinx on route 201 run around a while in the grass

Can you find Shinx in Emerald?

No, Shinx was created for Pokemon pearl, diamond, and platinum. It doesnt exist in emerald.

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in the white forest. if trainer/businessman doug is in white forest, you can find a shinx.

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In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, the first two Electric Pokemon you can find are Shinx (evolutions: Luxio, Luxray) and Pachirisu (no evolutions).

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Dusclops can be found in the Safari Zone in Pokemon Soulsilver. The rarity varies.

What Pokemon game can you find houndour?

You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.

Can you get shiny shinx?

Where you can find a shinx you can find a shiny shinx since a shiny pokemon only appears (I'm not 100 percent on the statistics) 1 in 8192

Where can you find an Pokemon B and W animated Shinx sprite?

you type in pokemon spirits and click on the first one you see