you can find a shinx on route 201 run around a while in the grass
No, Shinx was created for Pokemon pearl, diamond, and platinum. It doesnt exist in emerald.
Shinx evolves at Lv. 15 into Luxeo, and Luxeo at Lv. 30 into Luxray.
7 8 or 9
fight water Pokemon ( by fishing or surfing)
there is a route on the pokewalker called sinnoh field go on there and battle wild Pokemon one migh be a shinx this alse works for Pokemon heart gold. or if you got diamond/pearl/platinum if you can find someone else with a ds and ask them if you can burrow it you can trade it over
No, Shinx was created for Pokemon pearl, diamond, and platinum. It doesnt exist in emerald.
Shinx evolves at Lv. 15 into Luxeo, and Luxeo at Lv. 30 into Luxray.
7 8 or 9
fight water Pokemon ( by fishing or surfing)
there is a route on the pokewalker called sinnoh field go on there and battle wild Pokemon one migh be a shinx this alse works for Pokemon heart gold. or if you got diamond/pearl/platinum if you can find someone else with a ds and ask them if you can burrow it you can trade it over
Well I found mine in the grass right before you enter the little cave to Oreburgh city. I was lucky to have seen it.
in the white forest. if trainer/businessman doug is in white forest, you can find a shinx.
The best team in pokemon platinum is an Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray [third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all four moves as HMs] and Giratina.
Shinx can breed with an Eevee. I'm not sure what other Pokemon Shinx can breed with.
Shinx evolves in lvl 15 in a Luxio.
shinx will evolve at lv 15 if you get it at lv4 and it will evolve at lv 14 if you get it at lv3this si true from linkertoulevel 15
Shinx is a electric type