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first you have yo get the islands 4 5 6 7

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Q: How fight elite four plus girl blocking door?
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I can't battle elite four after getting all badges in Pokemon fire red... there in one girl blocking the door and saying the elite 4 is closed...?

Lorelei of the Elite Four is in 4 island of the rainbow islands. You need to go there to IceFall cave and help Lorelei beat Team Rocket. Then you need to get 2 passwords for the Rocket Warehouse on 5 island. After you beat Team Rocket in the Warehouse, Lorelei will come back to the Elite Four and you can fight them.

How do you get pass the man blocking cerulean cave in leafgreen?

Beat the elite four.

Where do you get Mewtwo in Pokemon LeafGreen virsion?

In the Cerulean Cave. There will be a boy in the enterance blocking you before you beat the Elite Four. When you have defeated the Elite Four, the boy will be gone, and you can enter.

How do you get the guy blocking the Cerulean Cave to let you inside in soul silver?

By beating the elite 4

How do you get the mystery gift on plantnum?

its after you fight the elite four

Why cant you fight the elite four in Pokemon FireRed?

you can

What do you do after you beat the elite four on black?

You either fight N or fight the champion

How do you get the second Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum?

To get the second Elite Four, you must have already defeated the Elite Four the first time, and the second time you go to fight them, they will all be leveled up, and become the 'Second Elite Four'.

When do you get to fight the elite 4?

you have to beat all the gym leaders and you will be able to battle the elite four

How do you fight the elite four?

think it by yourself,good luck to you

What Pokemon do the elite four have in black and white?

Well,if you go to the first door,the first elite four will have ghost type pokemon.The second door has dark pokemon.The third door has phychic pokemon.And the last door has fighting pokemon.

How do you get past the guy who's blocking the hole in the victory road?

Beat the Elite Four and get the National Dex.