Beat the Elite Four and get the National Dex.
Beat the elite four then the guy blocking thepath to it will go away.
Sigh. There is a Pokemon center in the place with the door to the elite four. It has a pokemart too. But if you're in the middle of the elite four, you can't heal your party. You have to depend on potions, which is a good tactic to beat the elite four. (This is an obvious answer...)
fight the elite four
when you defeat the elite four go to snowpoint talk to the man who says he wants to carry a great trainer recogniseed by the elite four on his boat and he'll take you there. its a place 2 fight when you defeat the elite four go to snowpoint talk to the man who says he wants to carry a great trainer recogniseed by the elite four on his boat and he'll take you there. its a place 2 fight
Lorelei of the Elite Four is in 4 island of the rainbow islands. You need to go there to IceFall cave and help Lorelei beat Team Rocket. Then you need to get 2 passwords for the Rocket Warehouse on 5 island. After you beat Team Rocket in the Warehouse, Lorelei will come back to the Elite Four and you can fight them.
Beat the elite four.
In the Cerulean Cave. There will be a boy in the enterance blocking you before you beat the Elite Four. When you have defeated the Elite Four, the boy will be gone, and you can enter.
By beating the elite 4
its after you fight the elite four
you can
You either fight N or fight the champion
To get the second Elite Four, you must have already defeated the Elite Four the first time, and the second time you go to fight them, they will all be leveled up, and become the 'Second Elite Four'.
you have to beat all the gym leaders and you will be able to battle the elite four
think it by yourself,good luck to you
Well,if you go to the first door,the first elite four will have ghost type pokemon.The second door has dark pokemon.The third door has phychic pokemon.And the last door has fighting pokemon.
Beat the Elite Four and get the National Dex.