when you defeat the elite four go to snowpoint talk to the man who says he wants to carry a great trainer recogniseed by the elite four on his boat and he'll take you there. its a place 2 fight when you defeat the elite four go to snowpoint talk to the man who says he wants to carry a great trainer recogniseed by the elite four on his boat and he'll take you there. its a place 2 fight
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
Ice type pokemon.
Depends on the moves you teach them
Pokemon diamond
Go to the great marsh and use your super rod which you can get at the battle arena and find a body of water and fish. By Noah
there is none.
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
u most be done with Pokemon league first
Ice type pokemon.
only fighting type Pokemon
Riolu is a Fighting type pokemon.
Mean Look Arena Trap (ability)
Fighting, ground, and elecrtic.
ít's pokemon, there is no explanation for that. just deal with the fact that fighting is super effective against rock type pokemon
fire, steel, rock, fighting.
you have to go to the fighting arena and talk to a karate guy and he will give it to you. WHAT KATATE GUY I TALKED TO ALL OF THEM AND THEY DIDNT GIVE IT TO ME SO HOW IS THIS DONE? tell me please or is it using hacks
you cant fight buck in Pokemon diamond and pearl,But you CAN In the battlefield in the survival arena after going up stark mountain and battling heatran on Pokemon platinum....When ever it comes out!!!!!