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Q: How does video game violence affects children?
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How do violent video games affect children?

Violent video games have a negative impact on the mind's of children, and teens. Generally, the viewer of the video game will have an urge to follow of copy what is happening in the video game. People are advised to follow the gereral ratings of the game (suggested by professionals). MW3, and Call of Duty are poor examples of violent video games. Both are rated M.

Do video games affect people?

Video games do affect your behavior. One source states that "While research on video games and aggressive behavior must be considered preliminary, it may be reasonably inferred from the more than 1,000 reports and studies on television violence that video game violence may also contribute to aggressive behavior and desensitization to violence" (1). Another study reports that "Hostility was increased both in subjects playing a highly aggressive video game and those playing a mildly aggressive video game. Subjects who had played the high-aggression game were significantly more anxious than other subjects" (2). They help heal cancer because it helps the brain cell. {3} This can be found at:

What are worst video games for children?

The worst video games for children are violent video games because they teach the child playing the game to be violent and in some cases to make the child think that it is ok to be violent.

What are some reasons why violent video games cannot lead to violence in real life?

There should be no reasons. As a parent, you should be able to tell if your kid is mature enough to handle the violent game without it transferring to his life. Just read the back of each game, there is a MSRB rating showing whether your kid is old enough for the game. If you think video game violence truly made your kid violent, your wrong. It is all about the parenting.

What is video game devolopment?

Video Game development is where you design your own video game.

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What do you think about video games contributing to violence in children?

they are very bad for you because you love violence and once you see it in a video game you do it in real life and hurt people on the inside and outside so watch sex videos instead

How is Violence in video games good?

Well it is to make the game fun and exciting because if there was a game with no violence it wouldnt be really fun. But that does not mean you use violence off of video games though!=~Yoshirules~=

How does video game violence affect behavior?

it doesnt

Does violence video game reduce brain funcion?

Not at all.

What websites are violence video game websites?

yes there is and its called

Who would win the Angry Video Game Nerd or Spongebob or the Nostalgia Critic?

Angry Video Game Nerd. Once that violence is unleashed there is no stopping it.

What kind of video game is Bloodrayne?

Bloodrayne is an action video game. Because of the violence and gore in the game, people under 17 are not supposed to play it unless it is okay with their guardian.

What causes violence in video games?

it depends on the game. if it has guns and weapons you tend to use them.

Why is Tron the video game rated Teen?

Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes

What is Salvation rated?

T for Teen: For mild Language and Violence. Are we talking about the video game or movie. The video game is rated T. And the Movie is rated PG-13.