If you are talking about Saffron City, then you have to go to the Fighting Dojo and defeat each trainer first. After that you have to defeat the Team Rocket members in the Silph Co. building.
During the team rocket radio tower incident in Goldenrod City, you are not allowed to enter the Radio tower because it is blocked by a team rocket member. To receive the Black suit (team rocket costume) go to underground and towards the photographer area (Northeast section). Talk to the Team Rocket member and he will give you the Rocket Suit.
You have to defeat Team Rocket at the Radio Tower in Goldenrod. To get in you need a team rocket costume, you can get it in the underground where the photographer has his stand. After that you have defeated team Rocket you can move east from Mahogany to the Ice cave.
Save Silph Co from Team Rocket by defeating Giovanni for the 2nd time, after that you will get the Master Ball! Then you will have access to Sabrina's Gym.
The rocket team are not on four island. there are two grunts up a ways of Mt. Ember north of one island, however the Rocket Base is on five island. It requires two passwords if you want to enter. Work that bit out for yourself.
after you get the guy in front of the sliph building to move(he will be asleep) you beat that part and the guy will move
You can use the ability Cut on Team Rocket. Since it is an HM, you can use it as a Pokemon move. All Pokemon moves can be used against Team Rocket in battle.
During the team rocket radio tower incident in Goldenrod City, you are not allowed to enter the Radio tower because it is blocked by a team rocket member. To receive the Black suit (team rocket costume) go to underground and towards the photographer area (Northeast section). Talk to the Team Rocket member and he will give you the Rocket Suit.
you enter radio tower then you see a team rocket grunt then you talk to him the your rival will come and blow your cover then you battle every one in the tower :)
You have to defeat Team Rocket at the Radio Tower in Goldenrod. To get in you need a team rocket costume, you can get it in the underground where the photographer has his stand. After that you have defeated team Rocket you can move east from Mahogany to the Ice cave.
Go to the underground path in Goldenrod. Then, where the photographer used to be, there is a Team Rocket Grunt. He will give you an uniform. Then try.
you need to go to mount ember and move team rocket to move out of the way somehow
go through another path then pop up behind it and get it. beat the team rocket grunt and they will give you info on where it is
Save Silph Co from Team Rocket by defeating Giovanni for the 2nd time, after that you will get the Master Ball! Then you will have access to Sabrina's Gym.
You will need to have beat Team Rocket on Island 4
You must be dressed up as a TEAM ROCKET member in order to get past him. Do this by visiting the tunnel in goldenrod city.
go into one of the fashion halls and you will find a team rocket person who gives you a team rocket outfit then you can go in and then you face your rival
Here's what you do. To get Team Rocket to leave Saffron, you have to go into the Silph Co. building (Also in Saffron) and figth the Team Rocket leader Giovanni. The rocket guard who is supposed to block the entrance will be a sleep after you have gotten your 5th badge. Afterwards you can enter all the buildings in Saffron. Good Luck! :)