after you get the guy in front of the sliph building to move(he will be asleep) you beat that part and the guy will move
If you are talking about Saffron City, then you have to go to the Fighting Dojo and defeat each trainer first. After that you have to defeat the Team Rocket members in the Silph Co. building.
Go to cerulean city see the house with the guard in front of it later the guard will move and you can enter the house go through the hole in the wall fight the team rocket member he will drop dig
The fastest way to escape from any cave is to either use an escape rope that is an item that can be bought in shops or found. The other option is to use the TM move called Dig. That move can be found after you have battled the rocket member behind the house with the police officer in front of it. If you do not have any of these items you would need to go through the darkness (unless you have flash) to the exit.
U have to go to silph co. And beat geovanni and then u can move on. Hop this helped .! :)
to get past the boy in front of the Azalea gym, look for the house with the mailbox in the upper left corner of the town. Go inside & talk to the man. Then go to Slowpoke well. The Team Rocket Grunt will be gone, allowing you to go into the well. When you do, Kurt, the man you talked to in the house, will be in the front room & tell you that his back is stiff & he can't move. Go into the cave entrance & defeat all the Team Rocket people. Once you do that, go to the gym & the boy will no longer be there.
clear out the rockets in celadon city
Basically the big corp. in the center of saffron city is where Giovanni is. go through the place which is sort of difficult but not really and he will be at the top. when you beat him the boss of the company will be like yo here is the master ball. after that the guy in front of the gym will be gone
If you are talking about Saffron City, then you have to go to the Fighting Dojo and defeat each trainer first. After that you have to defeat the Team Rocket members in the Silph Co. building.
Go to the underground path in Goldenrod. Then, where the photographer used to be, there is a Team Rocket Grunt. He will give you an uniform. Then try.
Go to cerulean city see the house with the guard in front of it later the guard will move and you can enter the house go through the hole in the wall fight the team rocket member he will drop dig
talk to him
You must be dressed up as a TEAM ROCKET member in order to get past him. Do this by visiting the tunnel in goldenrod city.
The Team Rocket Hideouts are in Celadon (you will see a man next to the picture beat him and the stairs will be revealed. The other Hideout is in Saffron City's Silph Co building (complete with warp panels and a heal point (and a free Lapras)
TM29 Psychic: Saffron City
action & reaction. The burning of rocket fuel produces gases that move fast and make the rocket move the opposite way
What you have to do is first beat the gym leader in the city on thew left of the one (sorry I forgot the names) when you have the guy in front of silph co. will be asleep and you can get in. Beat the boss there and then the team rocket guy in front of the gym will be gone.
inposible. no.