Piccolo was originally evil until goku and him teamed up to defeat raditz and vegeta. Another namek called king piccolo started invading earth.
I cant do the episode but jaden turn evil when turn the supreme king
no no no piccolo is not stronger than goku
Piccolo was Gohan's teacher and knows all his tricks. Piccolo will easily beat Gohan.Gohan is stronger thought but also Piccolo isn't his only teacher , Goku is his 2nd teacher & he's harder.
it starts on episode 102 and ends on episode 122 where piccolo jr. steps in goku fights king piccolo in 108 and then again in 120-124 then jr is born
well you need to roll around
yes,kami (or the nameless namek)wanted to be guardian of the earth and in order to do that he had to get rid off all evil within his soul so he did so and thus made an evil twil king piccolo(or his evil counterpart) and later king piccolo fought goku and goku defeated him but before his death he spit out an egg with piccolo in it
Piccolo used to be a Namekian child living on the planet Namek, but was sent to Earth by the Grand Elder. There, Piccolo grew to be an adult. When Piccolo was asleep, his personalities split, one good, on evil. The good one was called Kame, he lived in the clouds. The other, Piccolo, lived on Earth. This was when the dragon balls actually came into effect. That is why the Grand Elder sent him. Piccolo fought Son Goku, but eventually they became friends. Piccolo actually went back to his home planet because of the "Siege of Frieza".
I cant do the episode but jaden turn evil when turn the supreme king
The name of a mini flute instrument is called a piccolo.
No saint is evil at all. Evil is the opposite of saint. But when they turn evil they are no longer a saint
Episode 136 is when his turn to evil happens.
She turned Evil In the first season I forgot the Episode It was she turn evil in one epside when Shindu got inside her
No, Link never turns evil. Never.
He doesn't really turn evil but he's really misunderstood and doesn't know where he belongs
Till he deafeats piccolo