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it starts on episode 102 and ends on episode 122 where piccolo jr. steps in goku fights king piccolo in 108 and then again in 120-124 then jr is born

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Q: What eposode did goku fight king piccolo?
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Dragon Ball - 1986 Goku vs- King Piccolo 4-8 was released on: USA: 11 September 2003

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yes,kami (or the nameless namek)wanted to be guardian of the earth and in order to do that he had to get rid off all evil within his soul so he did so and thus made an evil twil king piccolo(or his evil counterpart) and later king piccolo fought goku and goku defeated him but before his death he spit out an egg with piccolo in it

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Piccolo was originally evil until goku and him teamed up to defeat raditz and vegeta. Another namek called king piccolo started invading earth.

How does Goku in Dragon Ball win the third tournament?

He beats King Piccolo with a last strike with his head and knocks him out of the ring unconscious.

What is dragon - ball evolution about?

Dragon Ball Evolution is set in: Dragon Ball - Demon King Piccolo Saga. Even though its not from the actual storyline, It's about a Teenager named Goku being trained by his Grandpa Named Gohan. However on his 18th Birthday, Grandpa Gohan is killed by Piccolo and Goku seeks revenge.

Has Goku died in one of dragonballz episodes?

Yes, Goku died when cell tried to blow himself up. Goku transported him to king kies' planet and the explosion killed him and blew up the planet. Goku has also died when Piccolo shot him with a Makankousappo (Special Beam Cannon) while he was holding down Raditz.

Where can goku learned his spirit boom before he fight kid buu in buu fury?

King Kai of course

Is Goku dead?

1st time: Died when Piccolo shot him and Radditz as he held him still to defeat him. 2nd time: Second death is from Cell. Gohan was toying around with him and then he started getting ready to explode, and Goku used Instant Transmission to take him to King Kai's planet where he died. He dies another time if you count the Alternate timeline where Trunks came from (deadly heart disease). He stays dead for 7 years after cell, comes back to life in the Buu saga after the old Kai gives him his life.

When does Goku use dragon fist?

Gohan probably learned the Kamehameha in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from Goku, when they trained together for the Cell Games.There is a scene in the anime where Gohan performs the Masenko during the Saiyan saga, but shouts "Kamehameha", but this was an error on the part of Toei Animation.

How do you get piccolo in dragon ball revenge of king piccolo?

i dont now

How do you dodge young king piccolo's attacks in dragonball revenge of king piccolo?

well you need to roll around