feild ops is a simple mission read the clue of the feild ops and go find it when you find it your EPF phone will flash green and shake.click the phone and do the mission.
You can´t do more field ops, but Club Penguin has some big plans for the EPF. If you´re bored, you can go to fun Stuff and play some PSA missions
After you become an EPF agent, when your phone rings, report to the command room and click the yellow field-ops screen.
you cant replay missions on field ops but u can replay the epf missions, all u have to do is click on the completed missions to replay them
Step 1:Go to the EPF room and go to the field ops screen (the yellow one). Step 2:Read your commands and try to find the location (the hint is what Gary is saying). Step 3:Your spy-Phone will ring green indicating that you are at the right place. Step 4:Use your spy-Phone to complete field ops and after you win, you will get a medal and you can trade it for special equipment! Waddle on!!! Paramedic 3 (on Club Penguin)
call of duty modernwarefare modernwarefare2 modernwarefare3 black ops and world at war are more fun than club penguin if your looking for website i recommend pirates of carribean online and roblox(maybe cuz it can be boring)
you will find the field ops in the HQ
Field Ops change every week.
there isn't a field ops code
yes every cristmas
you cant
Its on ski hill
No One Really Knows
It Should Be Every Monday
If you finish club penguin op blackout you will get a spy glass and lot of equipments
It depends what field op your looking for.
Go to it has the most recent field-ops
You can unfortunately not do previous field-ops, however you can do previous PSA missions. Field-ops are there for a week and then they go, and it's annoying...