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feild ops is a simple mission read the clue of the feild ops and go find it when you find it your EPF phone will flash green and the phone and do the mission.

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Q: How does field ops on club penguin work?
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Where do you find the field ops on club penguin?

you will find the field ops in the HQ

When do the new field ops come out on club penguin?

Field Ops change every week.

What is the club penguin field op code?

there isn't a field ops code

Can club penguin do field ops again?

yes every cristmas

How do you make field ops back online in club penguin?

you cant

Where is the EPF antenna in club penguin field-ops?

Its on ski hill

What is the next field ops in club penguin?

No One Really Knows

When will field-ops on club penguin be on next?

It Should Be Every Monday

Where to get the spy glass in club penguin field ops?

If you finish club penguin op blackout you will get a spy glass and lot of equipments

How do you beat the field ops in club penguin?

It depends what field op your looking for.

How do you solve the surveillance field op on club penguin?

Go to it has the most recent field-ops

Can you do previous field ops on club penguin?

You can unfortunately not do previous field-ops, however you can do previous PSA missions. Field-ops are there for a week and then they go, and it's annoying...