After you become an EPF agent, when your phone rings, report to the command room and click the yellow field-ops screen.
You must beat EPF missions.
you get weekly field missions from the board in EPF HQ
you click practice and you start the mission
You have to have the club penguin DS secret Agent missions to be a EPF on club canbuy the EPF game at:hmv,game,ETCthat half if you go into the (E)veryday(p)honing(f)acility(EPF) do the test and you're one of usp.s go on youtube to find how to do it
you cant replay missions on field ops but u can replay the epf missions, all u have to do is click on the completed missions to replay them
You must beat EPF missions.
you get weekly field missions from the board in EPF HQ
you have to play a multiplayer game with someone with club penguin epf and someone without club penguin epf
you cant but to earn coins for the EPF you have to do missions
There are 13 missions.
Club Penguin has several types of missions: PSA missions and EPF missions. The PSA missions are longer and there are just 11 of them. The EPF missions are shorter and there are 32 at the moment.
you click practice and you start the mission
Check Club Penguin to see if you can download/upload any new missions
A EPF mission is a secret agent mission on club penguin that you have to do. One of them you have to rescue Aunt Artics puffles and bring clues to her and then bring all of her puffles back. EPF missions are really fun! EPF stands for elite penguin force and if you look at elite penguin force. (Elite Penguin Force)
You have to have the club penguin DS secret Agent missions to be a EPF on club canbuy the EPF game at:hmv,game,ETCthat half if you go into the (E)veryday(p)honing(f)acility(EPF) do the test and you're one of usp.s go on youtube to find how to do it