Its based on how you do on the balance tests in the beggining, you could be normal weight and if you do poorly on the balance test it will rank you older then you are. The better you do on the balance excercises, the better your wi-fit age will be
25 is the best age and 26 is the 2nd best age
you need to try every angle
the game just does it
You create a Mii then import into Wii Fit. Put in the age when you bring the Mii in and there you have it a baby for the Wii Fit.
The e1000 has no wi-fi.
the legal drinking age in river fall WI is 21
There's one in Green Bay, WI
In WI 18 or older to practice.
Yes, it does need wi-fit if you don't have an iPhone
ITs all about staying fit at an old age
Aeff=(Zeff)/((Z/A)eff) Zeff=wi*Zi wi is weight fraction in ith element in compound. for example water has 0.112 H and 0.888 O. (Z/A)eff=wi*Zi/Ai
27 yrs old
Your Wii Fit age means you have the strength of a __ year old person.