You have to have sex with both Pokemon so the banging can begin........ Yeaha!!!!!!
I think eevee is a Pokemon that cannot breed. Have you checked that one is male and one is female?
Try the place right of the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City .If she says "That Evee I gave you ,I got it from a good mate from Johto" that means you've already have one.They can also find it in Trophy Garden but it's really hard.
Ditto can mate with almost all other Pokemons, except : Legendary Pokemon, and another Ditto...
you can mate it with bidoff
Put them in the daycare
There is only one gender, and that is male.I think that you cant ever turn into a girl lucario because it is not in the nature of the Pokemon world, and becasue Pokemon do not mate, they are just born....I guess Yeah, i don't think he has ever heard of Pokemon, there is a 12.5% chance a lucario will be female.You mate Pokemon at the day care and they lay eggs. i cant belive that was his answer
you can't unless you have another Pokemon pearl so you can migrate your Pokemon after the league
anywhere mate use your mind@{
unfortunantly you cant on Pokemon platinum as its only a feature of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl..... Sorry mate ;)
get a Pokemon that knows beat up and mate it with a female charmeleon or charizard
Yes, a shinx can mate a vulpix because they both are both same egg type. (I am not talking about the types like fire or ground, I am talking about field type or water.)
A Lucario can breed with a ditto, another lucario, and, but be warned, unless you have a female lucario, you will not get a riolu out of an egg, but any Pokemon in the Human like egg group, such as croagunk or toxicroak, machop or machoke, jynx or electabuzz, or a Pokemon in the field group, like torchic or combusken, stunky , buizel, or even empoleon, or prinplup. Happy breeding!
soz mate you can oly get it in soul silver
i am but do i need to have wi fi ? cause if i do i cant mate?
the best Pokemon tainer is MATT in Pokemon pearl, whom may very well be close to as awesome as Levi on Firered, soon to be migratin' to Pokemon Soulsilver, mate.
Sorry mate, you can't get it on pearl. It's a Pokemon Platinum item only, you can find it in platinum if you talk to this one lady by floaroma town with shaymin in your party. Sorry I couldn't help much =/
Sorry mate no you can't even migrate the manaphy egg like you could in the first pojkemon ranger