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If you open the menu, then click on GUI scale, it will adjust the size of you inventory

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Q: How do you zoom your inventory back in on Minecraft?
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How do you zoom out on Minecraft?


How do you get your inventory in Minecraft?

Pressing 'E' will open your inventory.

How do you zoom in on Minceraft?

You cannot zoom in on vanilla Minecraft. You need to install the Optifine Mod for this feature.

What kind of bottons do you have to click to zoom in on minecraft?

The zoom feature is a feature from the mod optifine, the zoom occurs when you press left ctrl.

How in minecraft do you zoom out of third person?

Press F5

How do you zoom in on minecraft PC?

Get the client optifine. Then once it is loaded up, press left ctrl to zoom !

What is the ID list for items in Minecraft?

I have posted a link in the related links for the image of the ID list for Minecraft. You can zoom in the image, as it is a little small, by clicking on the image where you wish to zoom in at.

Where is the inventory in Minecraft?

Press E

How to SWITH items in your intrevory on Minecraft?

You don't have an intrevory in minecraft, but we do have an inventory.

How do you zoom out in minecraft?

To zoom out and see what your character is fully doing, press fn and F5 at the same time to see a lot more than your character. You can press it again to see the back of your character then again for normal mode.

How do you zoom in on Minecraft?

You can't 'zoom in', unless you mean the FOV: field of view, which can be found under the ESC -> Options menu.

How do you put a block in your inventory on minecraft?

press e to access your inventory, then drag your items for the lower bar to your inventory