Right click
You can zoom in on Agar.io using the mouse scroll wheel. Scroll up to zoom in and scroll down to zoom back out again.
use the up arrow on the controller
Well, you zoom with the assigned key for the option.
No :( not when you are taking the photo.But when u go to your DSI Camera almub and click the photo you want to zoom into, double click it then it will let you zoom in or out once :D xx
Right click
you can buy a gift code
Optical Zoom is the true zoom, Digital is basically the zoom in of what the highest optical zoom is. Therefore Optical Zoom is the better zoom, and gives a much clearer picture.
right click on home page and then click on zoom out or right click on view then zoom,and then zoom out ctrl+shift+- zoom out ctr+shift+ + zoom in
press + for +zoom end - for -zoom
zoom zoom zoom
Zoom in is used to get a closer look and narrow your view. zoom out is for making your picture have a wider view.
To zoom into the timeline in Premiere Pro, you can use the zoom slider located at the bottom right of the timeline panel. Drag the slider to the right to zoom in and to the left to zoom out. You can also use the shortcut keys "" to zoom in and "-" to zoom out.
look at the upper right hand corner and click settings and it says zoom and you press - to zoom out and + to zoom in
ofcourse optical zoom..................
You use + to zoom and - to zoom out.