At the main menu press LLLRRRLRLRXYYXAAA, and it will give you cheats.
After you complete the game in enchanted mode you have to go back in andalaisa and defeat the dragon again and after you do a chest will appear and then open it the jewel is inside
Well you don't really go on a website........ if its your ds or wii you have to have a wireless router to conect -Tech Master/Pokemon master
All you have got to do is keep trying!
To win the competition you must enter a full grown healthy Cow with at least nine hearts.
no offense but are you a noob theirs only one masterball in each game unless you buy action replay ds,dsi or the Pokemon only cheats version Whoever wrote that is a retard. You can get multiple masterballs in Pokemon emerald through cloning technique also you can win them in the lottery thing in department store in each game
There is an inuyasha game for the ds called "INUYAHSA: Secrets of the Divine Jewel"
i think that if you still have your first master ball you can make another by breeding a Pokemon holding the ball. or you can somhow win the jubilife lottery. otherwise you need an action replay ds.
you have to get master balls from professor roan
You have to go on the map, then u hit start on the ds, then click save.
complete it
After you complete the game in enchanted mode you have to go back in andalaisa and defeat the dragon again and after you do a chest will appear and then open it the jewel is inside
you cant
Why would it be "coal?" Coal is not a jewel or gem, nor is it glamorous in the least.
My geuss is the ds game shark.
you have to have action replay ds and you have to find the 999 masterball code online
if you have other GBA games then you can play the GBA game on the DS until you get a master ball, and then you can give the master ball to a Pokemon and send it to the pal park on the DS game or you can use cheats xP