Well you don't really go on a website........ if its your ds or wii you have to have a wireless router to conect -Tech Master/Pokemon master
Go to Goldenrod then enter the GTS check the pokemons you want to trade with you have to have Wifi talk to the lady at the counter then connect to Wifi then there you go!
No you do not need wifi to go into the underground tunnles but you can use ds to ds action and play with your friends in the underground and trade and stuff.
you have to go into the wifi place and if you succsessfully connect you get your code.
The only way to get a friend code is to go in the union room in the Pokemon center and use wifi with a friend and it willask do you want to exchange friend codes and say yes
You can go on Cartoon Network on Saturdays at 7:00 AM. And you can go on www.Cartoonnetwork.com and click on Pokemon to watch clips.
http://solarisleague.pokemonlegend.net/forum.htm go on this if u want to have great Pokemon battles
Do wifi battles and make sure to do triple battle
ill battle u but if u want instant battles go on solarisleague.pokemonlegend.net
I have a brand new great site for Pokemon battles & trades! If you want to go there. The url is. http://pkmnwifionline.webs.com/
If you have wifi you can go to the GTS in Jubalive or Goldenrod City
You go to Pokemon.com and make an account and connect your game to Pokemon Dream World and if you connected properly and have wifi go on the website and go to Pokemon Dream World it'll be there
Go to Jubilife city and go to the wifi place to the down and left of the trainer school
you have to go onto the home page thing that says start game/ new game/ wifi. you go in to wifi and put in your wifi code.
go to game stop or Wifi
You can exchange friend codes with someone and battle or trade from far away or go to the wifi battles at the battle tower in the Fight Area. _______________________________________________________________________ Heres another question. HOW DO YOU CONNECT TO WIFI? and don't say "go talk to the lady in the basement of a Pokemon center"! For realzzzz _______________________________________________________________________ Open your DS and load to the Pokemon Diamond Startup. Press start and go to Wi-Fi Settings. From there on, search hotspot and choose the network you are familiar with. The setup is pretty basic and easy, just follow the instructions.
if you are talking about your Nintendo wifi id you get it when you go on wifi
You can go to pokegts.us and find and modify any pokemon