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Irish whip into table or table in corner with full moment and it does a special table move for the k.o

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Q: How do you win a tables match in smackdown vs raw 2009 wii?
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In Smackdown vs Raw 2008 can you unlock match types?

No, but you can in smackdown vs. raw 2009.

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You can not find a casket match on smackdown vs raw 2009

What are WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009's new matches?

Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009 added three matches: The Gauntlet Match, the Inferno Match, and the Elimination Chamber match. As well as that, they took out the Buried Alive match.

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you cant

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no but he can be your manager for a match

Will ECW extreme rules match be in WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

Yes it is. For more, go to and read the interview for WWE SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2009

How do you stack up tables on Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

isn't it just like all the rest of the smackdown vs raw games? a simple x button?

How do you unlock the casket match in SvR 09?

You cannot unlock the casket match in Smackdown vs Raw 2009.

How many hot tags in one match can you on smackdown vs raw 2009?

i think u can do about 2 each match

Will there be an inferno match for the wii on smackdown vs. raw 2009?

no theres one in Svr 2010

How do you get onto the tables on Smackdown vs Raw 2008?

In the past SmackDown vs Raw games you were able to get on top of tables but in SVR 08 you cannot