Irish whip into table or table in corner with full moment and it does a special table move for the k.o
It seems it's not possible to unlock Andre the Giant in Smackdown vs Raw 2009. Unfortunately not every game has all of the wrestling characters available.
Sorry but there is no codes this year
The objective of this match is to throw your opponent through a table. The onlyway to throw them through a table is the have one body part red and a finisherstored. You can use that store finisher to throw them through the table. Theannouncer tables also count as a table so you can throw your opponents throughthat.
you cant you can only do it on smackdown vs raw 2008 on xbox 360 sry
An I retire match is at the end of Shawn Micheal's road to wrestlemania in order to win this match you need to seriously damage a body part then grab the mic in the middle of the ring and grapple your opponent (on the ground only)
No, but you can in smackdown vs. raw 2009.
You can not find a casket match on smackdown vs raw 2009
Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009 added three matches: The Gauntlet Match, the Inferno Match, and the Elimination Chamber match. As well as that, they took out the Buried Alive match.
you cant
no but he can be your manager for a match
Yes it is. For more, go to and read the interview for WWE SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2009
isn't it just like all the rest of the smackdown vs raw games? a simple x button?
You cannot unlock the casket match in Smackdown vs Raw 2009.
i think u can do about 2 each match
no theres one in Svr 2010
In the past SmackDown vs Raw games you were able to get on top of tables but in SVR 08 you cannot