I don't think you can unlock it. if you can you will have to complete a stipulation on a wrestler's road to wrestlemania. One of them will unlock a move-set.
Sorry but there is no codes this year
Answer courteous of Gamespot.com: Unlock 20 Tag Opponents in WC mode to unlock the Tag Tournament.
There are no unlock codes for World of Zoo on Nintendo DS. World of Zoo was released on Nintendo DS in 2009.
Summon it in a duel
You Can't Unlock Him
There is no way you can unlock Matt striker on WWE Smackdown vs raw 2009
No, but you can in smackdown vs. raw 2009.
how do you unlock mick foley in smackdown v.s. raw 2009
You can't unlock Vladimir Kozlov on Smackdown vs. Raw 2009. Sorry.You'll have to wait until next year.
He is not in Svr 2009 but he is in 2010.
yes there are some you can unlock on history mode
no it is a Masked Man
hes not on it
it is already there you dont need to unlock it
Use Mark Henry
you dont it comes with the game