An I retire match is at the end of Shawn Micheal's road to wrestlemania in order to win this match you need to seriously damage a body part then grab the mic in the middle of the ring and grapple your opponent (on the ground only)
you dont cuz it sux for ds
you get your finisher and Irish whip them into the table and use your finisher
Irish whip into table or table in corner with full moment and it does a special table move for the k.o
you cant you can only do it on smackdown vs raw 2008 on xbox 360 sry
i heard you had to make sure your caw's fighting style had to match the moveset but i have no clue
yes it was conformed look yourself at www.smackdownvsraw .com
No it isn't but maybe in Smackdown vs Raw 2011
on wwe 2010 how do you unlock casket match
Its probably going to like a submission match.
no theres one in Svr 2010
just pin him
No, the Punjabi Prison match is not in Smackdown vs. Raw 2011.
No, but you can in smackdown vs. raw 2009.
He is not in Smackdown vs Raw 2010.
Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 comes out fall 2009.
yes there is smackdown vs raw 2010 for PC
No jillian hall is not in smackdown vs raw 2010