I don't think you could.I've had Pokemon leafgreen for a long time.I know what your talking about.Like on Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
I think you need a Pokemon with a specialy natural ability that will dig up items if you walk over them.
Walk around for a hundred steps. Then you should be able to use it again.
Walk through the wall.
You can't because you might not have a Walk Through Walls cheat/Tweaking glitch.
walk through walls 509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4 [M] (Game version 1.1) 9820F6AE8203 2A2082A9A143 50C4AB43573D [M] (Game version 1.0) Sorry there are no codes for shiny Pokemon 9820F6AE8203 8359EBCF20F5 DC89BB73F72F (version 2) (m) 888ce486 Dc49f2ef 56671f3a 6f4f4d6b 24c35e88 037c3033 78da95df 44018cb4 28f71f08 Abb36538 69ba4f26 72716663
Watch leurois Pokemon leafgreen walk through part.
Find the exit and then walk out of it.
In Pewter city, at the museum, you can give the old amber to a scientist who, after you walk back into the building, will give you Aerodactyl
If you trade Pokemon between leafgreen and ruby ruby will have your leafgreen Pokemon and leafgreen will have the ruby Pokemon both in the party they will not be sent to the PC unless you personally walk to the PC and do so.
Give the fossil to the guy, walk out, and immediately walk back in. It's instantaneous.
Pikachu does not walk with its trainer in the blue version. Only in the yellow version does it walk by its trainer.
You will need a male and female version of the pokemon you want, then put them both in the day care at the same time, for example, a male and female pikachu will give you a baby pichu when the egg hatches. to hatch the egg you will just have to walk with it.
Some Pokemon are able to walk in amiti square, but in platinum even starters and there evolved forms can walk with you.
you can get a few walkthroughs @ http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/game/918916.html
walk there