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I think you need a Pokemon with a specialy natural ability that will dig up items if you walk over them.

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Q: How do you dig up items on Pokemon LeafGreen?
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What Pokemon are able to dig up items in leafgreen?

Pokemon can't dig up items, but there are Pokemon with a special ability which makes them able of finding an item after a battle there is a 10% chance. This ability is called pick-up. These Pokemon are: aipom, zigzagoon, linoon, munchlax, phanpy, teddyursa and meowth.

How do you dig up hidden items in Pokemon platinum?

In the underground

How do you get the items that you dig up in Pokemon platinumwith your explorer kit?

u can only get the other items not orbs

In Pokemon what do you do with spheres you dig up underground?

you trade them to hikers that are underground for an assortment of items.

What items does meowth pickup in Pokemon leafgreen?

mostly berries but they can also pick up rare candy pp up and very rarely a nugget

Where do you get the soothe bell in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Use the itemfinder at the spot where mr fuji once stood at the top of Pokemon tower you should dig up a soothe bell. where mr fuji was standing use your itemfinder there

How do you get Pokemon up to lv 60 in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you train them!!!

How do you make Pokemon friendly on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Level them up, Use items on them like Protein, Full Restore, Iron, Carbos, Hp up, Calcium, PP up, Zinc, have them hold soothe bell in battle.

Where do you find fossils in pokemon pearl?

You can dig up fossils underground by using the Explorer Kit in the Key items pocket of your bag :)

For LeafGreen how to get Pokemon to lv100?

Level them up.

Where is Ho-oh in Pokemon LeafGreen on Game Boy?

well that depends on your badges and the items you have but oh ho can show up anywhere throughout your journey

What are all the items you can dig up under ground on Pokemon pearl?

well, there are tons of items, the main items are spheres (those let you buy things), fossils (you can go to oreburg and turn those fossils into other pokemon), and many many more.