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mostly berries but they can also pick up rare candy pp up and very rarely a nugget

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Q: What items does meowth pickup in Pokemon leafgreen?
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How do you get infinite rare candies in Pokemon LeafGreen?

There isn't a way to do this without a cheat device. Leaf Green is an older game so I'm not sure if you could find one devices that would work with it in stores. Get a team of Meowth with the Pickup ability and they'll pickup items. Including Rare Candies.

At what level does meowth evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

It evolves at level 28. You should visit this page.It has all you want to kno about Pokemon evolutions ! ;)

How do you clone Items and Pokemon on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't clone anything unless you use a Gameshark or cheating device.

Is there a way how to migrate items in Pokemon pearl?

give 'em 2 ur migrating Pokemon from saphirre, leafgreen, firered, etc.

Where are hm put on Pokemon LeafGreen?

All HM's are in the TM case which is in the key items pocket of your bag.

Related questions

How do you grind berries on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't grow berries in Leafgreen, so get 6 meowth. (Pickup ability) battle low-level Pokemon, checking the party every now and then. If they don't have items already, Meowth have a chance of obtaining a berry for you after each battle.

How do you get infinite rare candies in Pokemon LeafGreen?

There isn't a way to do this without a cheat device. Leaf Green is an older game so I'm not sure if you could find one devices that would work with it in stores. Get a team of Meowth with the Pickup ability and they'll pickup items. Including Rare Candies.

What Pokemon are able to dig up items in leafgreen?

Pokemon can't dig up items, but there are Pokemon with a special ability which makes them able of finding an item after a battle there is a 10% chance. This ability is called pick-up. These Pokemon are: aipom, zigzagoon, linoon, munchlax, phanpy, teddyursa and meowth.

Is meowth a good Pokemon?

It can be, it has the ability Pickup with it. It can pick up items at certain places and time. It wouldn't be much good in battle though. It's only good at Speed.

Where are the pp ups in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't buy it, however if you get a Pokemon with Pickup (such as Meowth) and run around and win a few battles, he might be holding an item. There's a 5% chance that item is a PP up. So get a strong pokemon, 5 Meowths, and run around killing weak guys and getting items. Most will be berries, but you do it enough and you'll get some PP ups.

What is the name of the Pokemon that make rare candy?

No Pokemon can make rare candies, but some Pokemon have the Pickup ability which give them a chance of picking up items randomly including rare candies. Some of these Pokemon include Zigzagoon, Linoone, Meowth, and Sentret.

Is there a way to get lots of rare candies without cheats in FireRed?

Get a Pokemon with the ability pickup and have it in your party with you. The higher the level your Pokemon is with that ability, the more rare items that Pokemon will find. And trust me, it works. I have a lvl.100 meowth and it has picked up 125 rare candies and 30 masterballs. Except Meowth, Phanpys are also known to have the ability pickup. These can be found in FR & LG on ISLAND SEVEN, in the Sevault Canyon or the Canyon Entrance.

Where do you get leftovers in Pokemon Diamond?

A wild Munchlax has about a 55% chance of holding leftovers when you catch it. You can also find a Pokemon such as Aipom, Teddiursa, Meowth, Phanpy, Zigzagoon, Linoon, Pachirisu, Ambipom, or Munchlax that has the Pickup ability. The Pickup ability is an ability that picks up random items. Once you have a Pokemon in your party that has the ability Pickup, run around places and check the Pokemon to see if it has an item attached to it every once in a while.

How do you get the ability pick up in HeartGold?

you catch a Pokemon that can use pickup and you battle a wild Pokemon or a trainer's Pokemon, the chance of your pickup Pokemon having an item is a 10% chance. the higher the level the more better items you get. in Pokemon emerald you are able to find rarecandies easier. you can find better items in emerald. :)

How do you get a rainbow wing and silver wing in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Those items aren't in LeafGreen.

At what level does meowth evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

It evolves at level 28. You should visit this page.It has all you want to kno about Pokemon evolutions ! ;)

Which Pokémon has a pickup ability in Pokémon diamond?

The ability Pickup allows for the Pokemon to pick up free items outside of battle as a held item. After a battle, a Pokemon with the ability Pickup has a 10% chance of picking up an item.Phanpy is the only Pokemon with Pickup as a single ability. The following Pokemon have the ability Pickup as a dual ability: Meowth (dual ability with Technician), Aipom(dual ability with Run Away), Teddiursa (dual ability with Quick Feet), Zigzagoon (dual ability with Gluttony), Linoone (dual ability with Gluttony), Pachirisu (dual ability with Run Away), Ambipom (dual ability with Technician) and Munchlax (dual ability with Thick Fat).Munchlax, Meowth, Aipom, Ambipom, Pachurisu, Linoone, Tedirussa, Phanphy. Zigazagoon