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You can't because you might not have a Walk Through Walls cheat/Tweaking glitch.

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Q: How do you get past lt surge in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How do you get to LT SURGE on pokemon's LeafGreen?

Once you cut the tree in Vermillon City, enter the gym. There are bins everywhere. Check everyone until you get 2 switches activated. LT Surge has 3 strong Pokemon.

What level are Lt. Surge's Pokemon?

LT. Surge has a level 28 Raichu and that's it.

Where is fuchsia on Pokemon LeafGreen version?

It is below Lt. Surge's town which is below cerulean which is connected to viridian by Mt. Moon which gets to Pallet town eventually

Where is Lt Surge on Pokemon FireRed?

He is in Vermilon city

What hm do you get after beating lt surge in Pokemon firered?

Shock wave

Where to get shockwave in Pokemon FireRed?

after beating lt. surge, you ll get it with thunderbadge

How do you beat lt surge?

For LeafGreen and FireRed, Lt. Surge is going to carry the following Pokemon: Voltorb at level 21, Pikachu at level 18, Raichu at level 24. My best recommendation is go with the opposite type that he's using and go with a ground type Pokemon such as Marowak, Dugtrio, and Rhydon. In the case that you can't use a ground type Pokemon, the only thing I can recommend you is some good old fashioned training.

In Pokemon Yellow why wont she give me squrtle?

Beat Lt. Surge first.

What level should your Pokemon be at Lt Surge in Leaf Green?

level 50

Where is Slowpoke in Pokemon indigo?

Slowpoke can be found in Vermillion City where Lt. Surge is.

How to get the ninth badge in Pokemon Gold?

go to kanto and beat lt surge

What do you do after you beat lt surge in Pokemon FireRed?

blah blah blah by josh