if you have a guardian account on the normal adventure quest you can verify it on to aq worlds just go onto the main page and go on verify guardian
u go to guardian tower then u go left in that room is 3 people one to verify star captain (mech quest) another for dragon lord (dragon fable) and the last one is the adventure quest guardian so u click on guardian guy and u type ur pass word in and user names and ther ur done =)
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
Search pointful stuff. Pointless spam will get you nowere.
Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
i guess
if you have a guardian account on the normal adventure quest you can verify it on to aq worlds just go onto the main page and go on verify guardian
Go to your email address and enable links.
you go to your email and verify it by clicking "CONFIRM ACCOUNT" on the email letter.
upgrade your account OR verify your email and be over the age of 12
yes it is permanent
You have to go to the Guardian Tower in Battleon to get the Warpforce Armor. But you have to verify that you have a Warpforce account.
you can't
Her character name is Alina.
You can now get Gaurdian Mech quest and Dragon fable armor in aq worlds now Guardian... but tbrewer3 you didn't answer the question.
on the adventure quest worlds wiki
To become a mage on Adventure Quest Worlds, you can either start as a mage when you make your account or you can by it for 1000 gold from Arcana's shop in the trainers area.