if you have a guardian account on the normal adventure quest you can verify it on to aq worlds just go onto the main page and go on verify guardian
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
no such thing!
You can't exactly be a Guardian on AQWorlds, but you can verify on AQW that you have Guardian on the original Adventure Quest and get Guardian class in AQWorlds. :)
it was in alpha or beta
There are no alignment specific classes yet.
You can now get Gaurdian Mech quest and Dragon fable armor in aq worlds now Guardian... but tbrewer3 you didn't answer the question.
You must be a guardian in adventure quest the you vertify it on the homepage and you can buy it in the tower at the gaurdian shop for 10,000.
near your hometown
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
It allows you to get an 'Adventure Quest' Guardian armor from the Guardian Tower, both the original (grey and gold) or the color custom one.
from collection
in title
no such thing!
i think not but if you verify you are guardian at aq you can get cool items at guardian shop
Verify that your a guardian from adventure quest and buy it at the guardian shop at the tower in battleon.
i guess
This item is come from necromancer token and the necromancer token is come from necromancer class. You can buy the necromancer class in the enhancements on PTR server. -terror021-