well, you download the program first, then start it up. to log in, use your pokefarm username and password. after typing in your username, press enter to type your password. then you use the arrow keys on the pokewalker to control it.
To find Missingno on Pokefarm, you must complete a quest.
On the Main Screen go down to connect to pokewalker,and on the pokewalker press connect.Before you do that put them down on a hard surface,press the button then don't touch them until the transfer is complet.
To name your Pokefarm, go to your Farm page. Under the announcement bar, you will see the words "Your Farm". Click the edit button next to it, then you can name your Pokefarm.
By unlocking the pokewalker route
You go to Miscellanous settings and then scroll down to the bottom. You can also check the Pokefarm Wiki next time :)
Take a walk with your pokemon in the pokewalker
Trading with other players, finding it on the PokeWalker, and finding it while scouring are all possible ways.
Yes,you must use the Pokewalker when you're not playing both games.
Anywhere, anytime. As long as your pokewalker is motion, it will gain points.
Unfortunately, no. You can only use the pokewalker with Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
To find Missingno on Pokefarm, you must complete a quest.
No, You Cannot use it in B&W.
It means the pokewalker is registered to another game already and you cannot use it. Only one pokewalker per game, no sharing.
On the Main Screen go down to connect to pokewalker,and on the pokewalker press connect.Before you do that put them down on a hard surface,press the button then don't touch them until the transfer is complet.
To name your Pokefarm, go to your Farm page. Under the announcement bar, you will see the words "Your Farm". Click the edit button next to it, then you can name your Pokefarm.
Go to the main Pokefarm page, and click on Doug.
You have to get a lot of watts on the first route and when you're taking your Pokemon out of the Pokewalker, it should say on the top screen how many watts till next route. When you get watts on the Pokewalker, don't use them all.