You buy the Love Bangle from Roller in the Sprite Casino. The Casino will open once you unlock Roller. You unlock Roller by walking over the bridge to Vesta's Farm on after Spring 8th. The Casino does not use normal money. They will only accept Medals to pay for prizes. You can either buy all the Medals you need or you can buy a few Medals and get the rest by using those Medals to bet on card games. To play card games you will have to unlock at least one of the three other Harvest Sprites that work in the Casino. The Love Bangle costs 5,000 Medals.
Use your watering can on it.
Just Use Cheat Codes
You just have to tough it out. It will take awhile, the mine has 255 floors, but bringing a truth bangle ( to show stamina), ALOT of revitalizing food, and bodyizers (To replenish stamina. Upgrading your Hammer helps a bit. Bring your hoe. Use it to get black grass, which greatly increases your stamina!
Use the Love Bangle. When you equip that and talk to someone it will show exactly how much LP/FP you have with them. You can buy the Love Bangle from the Sprite Casino on the second floor of the Harvest Sprite Tree House. It costs 5,000 Medals. You can use G to buy Medals and if you unlock Harvest Sprites who run card games you can play those to win Medals.
You buy the Love Bangle from Roller in the Sprite Casino. The Casino will open once you unlock Roller. You unlock Roller by walking over the bridge to Vesta's Farm on after Spring 8th. The Casino does not use normal money. They will only accept Medals to pay for prizes. You can either buy all the Medals you need or you can buy a few Medals and get the rest by using those Medals to bet on card games. To play card games you will have to unlock at least one of the three other Harvest Sprites that work in the Casino. The Love Bangle costs 5,000 Medals.
Until you Purchase the Millionaire Island, You cannot use the boat in Harvest Moon D.S. And Harvest Moon D.S. Cute.
If you want someone to love/like you, give them gifts. Use a love bangle (obtained from the harvest sprite tree) to see how it affects them. Curry is good for most people, but not Romana or Sebastien. If you want to get a girl to the next heart level, give them their favorite gift once a day. Hope I helped (Show people your dog/cat and their FP goes up by one, MOSTLY)
Please tell me how too use a makers shead on harvest moon. Because I want to make cheese!
This appears to have been corrected in the English version of Harvest Moon DS Cute. Sorry, but you cannot use the 'Shearing Cheat' In harvest Moon CD cute.
Use your Sickle to cut the fully grown Grass.
An oven
Use your watering can on it.
To make Cake on Harvest Moon you can use any fruit; apple, grape, banana, ETC.