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In some versions of Pokemon, it is possible to relearn certain moves. For example, in Emerald version, you can go to Fallabor Town.

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Q: Where can you relearn moves in emerald?
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How do you exchange moves for shards?

you cant, you can only exchange heart scales to relearn moves or you can exchange 10 shards the same color for a TM

How can your Pokemon relearn old moves?

Every game has a guy that remembers moves in return for a certain object, like a mushroom or a heart scale.

What do a scale do?

If you talk to this one dude in Pastoria City he'll let your Pokemon relearn moves they forgot when you raised them.

What do scale do?

If you talk to this one dude in Pastoria City he'll let your Pokemon relearn moves they forgot when you raised them.

How do you get your moves deleted in Pokemon Emerald?

There should be a move deleter in Pokemon Emerald, try to find this person and you should be able to delete your moves.

What is the 493 heart scale for?

If you talk to this one dude in Pastoria City he'll let your Pokemon relearn moves they forgot when you raised them.

How do you delete hm moves in emerald?

you cant our you will have to a cheat

Pokemon white can Lucario still learn aura sphere if its level 85?

You'd have to take it to the Move family house in Mystaltron, and pay with a Heart Scale to allow it to relearn old moves. (It can relearn a move it never actually knew, all the relearner does is let it access all level-based moves of a lower level than it is now).

Does latios learn any moves in Pokemon Emerald?

Of course it does

What moves does Zigzagoon learn in Pokemon Emerald?


What moves does ludicolo learn in Pokemon emerald?

nothing bum