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First you have to go to Goldenrod City. Go up to where the gym is and keep heading right. Go down and walk between the houses and you'll come to one that you can go inside. Head in and it's a bike shop. The owner says he hasn't been getting business and asks you advertise by riding one of his bikes around, say yes and it's yours. Open your bag and hit right on the d-pad until you get to Key Items. scroll down and select the bike and use it. You can also register it so when you hit Select it automatically uses the bike.

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Q: How do you use the bicycle in Pokemon Crystal?
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How do you get a bicycle in Pokemon Crystal?

On the east side of GoldenRod City in a little house.

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AnswerUnfortunately, the running feature was intoduced in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - the generation after Pokemon Crystal. This means that the fastest way of moving around in Crystal is by riding a bicycle, with the only other option of movement being walking.

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There is no HM08 in Pokemon Crystal. Pokemon Crystal has only 7 HMs that are available to use.

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To trade Pokemon from Pokemon Crystal version to another version of Crystal you need to use a link cable. You can also battle this way.

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Where do you get the bicycle in Pokemon Crystal?

In goldenrod go past the gym go all the way down on the right there's a big shop there it is.

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In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.

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use strength

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You can use fly anytime you are outside.

How can you get in the last gym in Pokemon Crystal?

look up cheat codes for pokemon crystal and use walk through walls cheat. Its as simple as that!

What does the game shark code 91c089da does in Pokemon crystal?

you use it the the celebi pokemon i think?