

Best Answer

to use it u need a console

step.1 right click halo and go to propites then on target go all the way to the end and space bar -console

step.2 click apply and ok

step.3 make a server and make it anykind

when ur in the game click on , its but the 1 then type in one if these'

u want

Effect code

Toggle instant deaths for enemies that see playercheat_medusa <0 or 1>Set game speedgame_speed <0-20>Clear console windowclsToggle unlimited ammunition and no overheating for human weapons and plasma weaponscheat_bottomless_clip<0 or 1>Unlimited ammunitioncheat_infinite_ammo<0 or 1>Super jumpscheat_super_jump <0 or 1>Possess touched charactercheat_bump_possession<0 or 1>Invincibilitycheat_deathless_player<0 or 1>Active camouflage until shot, quit, or level endscheat_active_camouflageSpawn Warthogcheat_spawn_warthogSpawn all power-upscheat_all_powerupsSpawn all vehiclescheat_all_vehiclesSpawn all weaponscheat_all_weaponsTeleport player to current camera positioncheat_teleport_to_cameraSave current camera locationdebug_camera_saveGo to saved camera location, away from playerdebug_camera_loadList player names and numbers on serversv_playersBan indicated player from serversv_ban Kick indicated player from serversv_kick Send message as **SERVER** user name1sv_sayQuit game

if it work u welcome


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Q: How do you use halo trial cheat codes?
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