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You should not use cheat codes. Cheating is against the game guidelines.

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Q: How do you use cheat codes on sapphire?
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Can you get 99 masterballs on sapphire?

you have to use cheat codes ok hopes this helps

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uhi8ii9ihih what are the cheat codes to capture all ledgendary pokemons-pokemon sapphire

How can you get Pokemon Sapphire for vba?

By Useing Gameshark or other cheat codes.

How do you get requeza on pearl?

you have 2 options: 1. use cheat codes from action replays. 2. transfer from ruby sapphire or emerald

What are the masteball codes for sapphire?

These are the masterball game shark codes for Pokémon Sapphire:910C4AFB 679BA66AIf you don't already have the master codes needed to use any cheat code with game shark for the specific game here's the master code for Pokémon Sapphire:9E6AC862-823AB7A8, 8365F8FA-817CF3E9

How do you cheat on Warcraft?

you use cheat codes

Where is Jirachi on Pokemon Sapphire?

I think you have to use a cheat to get it.

How do you get all the Pokémon in Pokémon sapphire?

CHEAT CODES... i know they suck and it nearly impossible to get them now but damn

How do you put in cheat codes Pokemon sapphire?

You Get a game shark for your Gameboy or Gameboy advanced

Are there cheat codes in Pokemon platnium?

Yes. You can use action replay to get cheat codes.

How do you use cheat codes for pixie hollow?

Would you cheat in school don't use cheat codes (if you have the real answer please feel free to post it)

How do you get 5 free master balls?

you can use cheat codes or get a friend with cheat codes to give you them.