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Yes. You can use action replay to get cheat codes.

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Q: Are there cheat codes in Pokemon platnium?
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You could cheat or soft reset.

In Pokemon platnium can you catch glameow?

no you can only get it through a cheat or trade

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by entering cheat codes

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they do too!!!!!!!!!! how do you not know that Pokemon games have cheat codes

Are there button cheat codes on Pokemon?

No.There are no button codes for Pokemon.

A cheat to catch pidgey in Pokemon platnium?

its not really a cheat but u could migrate it from a gameboy Pokemon game (Pokemon fire red, leaf green, ruby, Sapphire, emerald)

Ar codes for soul silver us?

No you can't only in Pokemon Diamond,Pearl,and Platnium

Are there any cheat codes for icheat Pokemon Pearl?

yes there are cheat codes if you go on to it will tell you cheat codes for all the games avialable for DS, including Pokemon pearl.

Are there ar codes for Pokemon Rumble?

yes there are cheat codes

Pokemon platnium action replay codes?

i really don't know the codes but go to gamestop and ask them or go to and type in "all Pokemon platinum codes" and you get what you need.thanks for veiwing and have a great Easter.

Does action replay still work for pokemon platinum?

no because it's a different game so obviously not... wait until people post codes specifically for this, or do what normal people do and try to play it without cheating

Where do i put cheat codes in for Pokemon red rescue team and also... where do i enter cheat codes for it?

i dont know but u can find cheat codes at