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You use a red stone repeater to delay redstone signals, to extend the range of redstone (12 blocks), or to transmit signals through solid blocks.

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Q: How do you use a red stone repeater in Minecraft?
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You have to use at least an iron pickaxe or better.

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First, find a red stone block. To obtain it, use a stone to diamond pickaxe on it. Collect your dust.

How do you use a redstone repeater in minecraft?

Ah the redstone repeater, a very useful item, here is how you use it: - = redstone wire > = redstoen repeater -->--------- You have to make sure you place the repeater the direction the redstone is traveling. Also when you click on the repeater, the torches move right? That is for setting delay on the repeater or in different words setting how long it takes for the redstone signal to pass through the repeater. Enjoy your redstone circuts :)

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No, it has to be Cobblestone.

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For Vanilla Minecraft, you will need a stone pickaxe (or better) to mine iron ore.

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To open an iron door you can use a pressure plate lever button (reccamended) red stone torch/powder detecto rail

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You can't it's not designed to be a repeater.

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Dig down a bit and you'll find stone, which is a grey block. Use a pickaxe to mine it or you will not get it. It will drop cobblestone.

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Use a leaf stone!

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it evolves when you use a moon stone on it

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Use a moon stone.