You don't. He is in certain games but he isn't an option for a playable jackass.
poo and wee
when you make your man on the bottom left coner it will say change and shop
well wee would cost a grand or for u.s it is £5 or more.
Jason Acuna. (Wee Man)
about 40 lbs
yes. in jackass wee man dresses up as one and goes skating.
No, Wee-Man and Hornswoggle are two different people. Wee-Man is Jason Acuña, one of the stars of Jackass on MTV and is a professional skateboarder.. Hornswoggle is Dylan Postl an American professinal wrestler signed to WWE.
no, they look alike though well to me haha when i was younger when it like first cam out i always thought that they were like brothers
It is said that jackasses wee man died but the rumour was going around that he died and then soon after that jackass 3 came out so obviously he didn't die because he was on jackass 3 and he was also seen at bam mageras wedding after the rumour was spread that he had died.
The Members of Jackass are: Johnny Knoxville Bam Margera Ryan Dunn Steve-0 Chris Pontius Dave England Ehren McGhehey Wee-Man Preston Lacy
they call him "wee man"
City Baby Attacked By Rats [studio version] - G.B.H.
Johnny Knoxville Bam Margera Ryan Dunn (1999-2011) Steve-O Wee Man Raab Himself (2001-2003) Preston Lacy Danger Ethen Chris Pointois Rob Derdek (2008)
Wee Man.