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City Baby Attacked By Rats [studio version] - G.B.H.

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Q: What is the song in Jackass 2 when Wee Man fights the bull in the sketch El Matador?
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What is the name when a person fights a bull?


The person who fights the bull?

Matador is a person who fights bulls, he will bait and usually kill a bull in an arena.

What is the man who fights the bull in a bullfight called?

A horseback matador is a rejoneador. He fights bulls from expensive and specially trained horses. That is different than a picador. The picador is the torero whose job is to weaken the tossing muscle of the bull. He does not kill the bull and, therefore, is not a matador.

What does a matador wear when he fights a bull?

He wears a traje de luces - a suit of lights.

Does a matador fight a bull on foot?

A matador fights on foot. A rejoneador fights from horseback on specially trained horses. Some matadors, such as Carlos Arruza (died in the 1960s), have done both.

What would a bull do if it saw a matador?

Chances are, if the matador was not threatening the bull, he would be ignored. If the matador approaches the bull and enters his territory, the bull will charge.

How is a matador different from a torero?

Toreador is French and related to the Spanish word torero. Torero includes anyone who fights bulls including banderilleros and picadores and matadores. Only the matador kills the bull. The word toreador is never used in Spain or Mexico. It is only used in France.

What will a bull do if he sees a matador?

The bull will do nothing if he simply sees a matador unless he feels threatened or is provoked. It that case the bull will probably charge the matador.

What is the person fighting the bull called?

A Matador

Do they kill the bull in Portugal bull fights?

Yes, the bull is killed in traditional Portuguese bullfights. After a series of confrontations and dramatic performances by the matadors, the bull is stabbed by the matador using a sword, resulting in its death.

What is the matador's opponent?

a bull

Who kills the bull in bullfighting?

The matador kills the bull.