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Q: Do you earn green point on wee world?
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How do you earn green points on wee world?

peanut butter

Why is wee wee green?

You have a problem

Is their any way to earn wee world points?

there is a way to earn wee points on weeworld you got to beat some highscores on minigames you can also earn points by bying clothes lvling up can being nice to others onn weeworld also subscribing on the blog thank you lazerclaw

How do you earn wee world points?

You can get green points by surfing the web (viewing other Wee's pages, playing games, sending gifts, and other stuff) And to earn Gold points (without using a credit card or spending ANY money) you can complete a survey or other offers on the Get Points page Well for green points you can get a toolbar and you can do a year book :]

Who has the most points on wee world?

The person on WeeWorld who has the most green points is XxSuperModelxX. She has over 46,000 green right now.

Are there Cheats for wee world?

Well there aren't exactly "cheats", but there's links to special items. Also, if you didn't notice, Wee World has started a new point system called "Green Points" you get them for free when ever you change your WeeMee and room daily. You also get them by just clicking randomly and spending lots of time on WeeWorld. Green Points work the same way as Gold Points so there's no need to want cheats. And you can get 500 Green Points from just validating your email address. So get on your WeeMee and validate that email (green points aren't that hard to earn, i more than 800 points within a week with out validating my email.)

What is nick's wee mee user name on wee world?

its username : nick0987 password:jonas1013 their you go he has 1,000 gold points and 5,00000 green points its 100% it work try it

How do you erase your wee on wee world?

you just stop going on wee world and your account will expire.

Why did wee fight the revolution war?

to earn independence from England.

Are you allowed to get guns on wee world?

are you aloud to get a gun on wee world

What are the dangers of tv waves?

you turn green and purpel go pop and shout wee wee wee all the way home.

Is there such thing as a wee bot on wee world?

no there is not