You have to complete the series of tasks in the area of Falador, Lumbridge/Draynor, Varrock and then talk to one of the task masters. I prefer you use Jack the explorer in Lumbridge next to the General store
Look for the bow emote.
E+H E is for Emote, H is for Heart. And you can click the emote button and it shows all kinds of emotes.
the room where all the creatures are in (classroom) you hav 2 sit an exam in there 2 be able 2 unlock the safety first shield emote
beat and unlock all the other levels. my mom is the Mario master
During Thanksgiving If You Killed A Turkey It Could Drop A Cornucopia Which Gave The Emote.
The turkey emote is from the Thanksgiving celebration.
You can temporarily fly with Quest Emote or Puppet Master.
Get level 99 in a skill, then talk to the skill master.
To unlock the air guitar EMOTE you must first unlock 500 runescape songs, these can be unlocked by entering new areas and completeing quests.
To Unlock zombie emotes u have to go a random grave digger event.
No, but you can unlock his voice and use it. You can also unlock his armour and make your character look like Master Chief.
THEY ONLY WORK ON FACEBOOK CHAT, NOT ON WALLS OR STATUSESHappy emote: :) or :-)Really happy emote: :D or :-DWink emote: ;) or ;-)Happy eyes: ^_^Laughing eyes: >:oCat smile: :3Grumpy: >:-(Sad: :( or :-(Crying emote: :'(Shocked emote: :o or :-oGlasses emote: 8) or 8-)Cool shades: 8-|Rude: :p or :-pWoot?!: O.oDork emote: -_-Duhhh emote: :/ or :\Devil emote: 3:)Angel emote: O:)Kiss emote: :-* or :*Love emote:
Pacman: :vHappy emote: :)Really happy emote: :D42 in red box: :42:Wink emote: ;)Happy eyes: ^_^Laughing eyes: >:oCamel smile: :3Grumpy: >:-(Sad: :(Crying emote: :'(XD face: >:oShocked emote: :oGeeky glasses emote: 8) or B)Cool shades: 8-|Tongue: :-pWoot!: O.oDork emote: -_-Confused emote: :/ or :\Devil emote: 3:)Heart emote:
No you can not unlock the master hand in super smash bros.64
Look for the bow emote.
Examples: John's therapist encouraged him to emote more of his anger. Some people emote every twinge of feelings so much that they should emote less. "To emote" is to express emotions. One person may emote more sadness when they feel anger. Another person may giggle when they should emote sadness.