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you cant get them unless you migrated or you usec the toys r us event

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Q: How do you unlock the reggis in Pokemon platinum?
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Pokemon SoulSilver where to find a Reggis?

trade from platinum or with someone that have the regis from mirgating or mirgate self.

Where do you find the reggis on Pokemon Ruby?

I'm fairly certain that you have to trade them from emerald, diamond, pearl, or platinum.

Where to find the reggis in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The reggis are not available in leafgreen you will need Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald to give you them.

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Where do you find the Reggis in Pokemon Fire Red?

if ya talking about the regi Pokemon you haf to trade from ruby/sapphire/emerald. DISHO never herd of reggis

How do you unlock the home in the resort area on Pokemon diamond?

You can't only in Pokemon Platinum unfourtunatly.

How do you unlock pal park on Pokemon LeafGreen?

NO! You can only unlock pal park on platinum, diamond and pearl

How do you get the reggis in Pokemon LeafGreen?

sorry but you cant you can only get them in Pokemon emerald,ruby and sapphire

Do you need regigigas to get all the other reggis in Pokemon platinum?

its the other way around and you migrate the regi's. you can but in Pokemon platinum only. regice is in northern part of mount cornet. registeel is in iron island. rgirock is in route 228. PS. you need to have regigigas from event first.

How do you unlock more words to say in Pokemon platinum?

i dont believe you can but to get more pokemon words just find the pokemon

Is there a cheat to unlock the three regis caves in Pokemon platinum?

i bleve so

How do you unlock the rare candy bars store on Pokemon platinum?

get action replay