

Best Answer

You can't only in Pokemon Platinum unfourtunatly.

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Q: How do you unlock the home in the resort area on Pokemon diamond?
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At the resort area

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in the servile area

Can you find salamance on Pokemon diamond?

yes in the resort area

How do you get in to the building on the resort area in Pokemon diamond?

You have to get enough ribbons.

What to do after you catch heatran in pokemon diamond?

Go to the resort area

Where do you get a scyzer in Pokemon diamond?

You can get a syther above the Resort Area. there will be a patch of grass above the Resort Area.(You have to have a pokeradar)

Where is the resort area in Pokemon Diamond?

The Resort Area is located on an island on North Sinnoh off of route 229. There are not Poke-Marts in the Resort area or battle gyms.

In Pokemon Diamond Were do you catch the Pokemon volbeat?

the really long grass in resort area no pokeraider

Can you catch syther in Pokemon diamond?

yes just outside the resort area

Where do you catch poliwhirl on Pokemon Diamond?

resort area in the pond around the tree

In Pokemon diamond were to get kangaskan?

In Pokemon Diamond you can catch the Kangaskhan in the Great Marsh area. This area is available to the player once they unlock the National Pokedex.

Where do you find fire Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

In the volcano north of the resort area or just get a chimchar as your starter.